Shinyribs School For Wayward Sarsaparilla. Put it in your restaurant candle with a pickled armadillo.

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I'm wishing I had smellavision now.

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pick it up pick it up pick it up back on the scene crisp and clean ...shine on

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First of all: is there a plaque on the school recognizing the Board Of MoFos’ approval of the naming? If so, when do we vote?

Second: someone, somewhere is looking for their sweater.


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I will have to get with Phoebe Onyango about the plaque. This sweater was made for talkin

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Gadzooks, I hope she says no!

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That sweater weren’t made; it were created.

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Miller, even as a child I knew he was special. Didn't know why, but what other adult was singing about rollerskating in buffalos and bobbies on bicycles and third box cars on midnight trains. Genius + a huuuge helping of wacky is the best way to bear the burden of genius, imo. Pills are another way but I don't recommend it.

I hope if my Palo Santo offering was fake or less-than, you will blame my unfamiliarity and mark it under 'it's the thought that counts.' It made me happy to try. Is it time for black-eyed peas yet? ☺️

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Yes black eyed peas Denise.

And what just happened Kevin?

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everyone gets on in. Baltimore..to get out.....lol....I mean well visit cuz crabs....walk to Baltimore leave the language on the street

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